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Jean Pierre Barral - the Eternal revolutionary

Jean Pierre Barral - the Eternal revolutionary

The eternal revolutionary.

Recently in Moscow Jean-Pierre Barralja's seminar took place. For today., perhaps, J.-P. is the most "promoted" osteopath in the world. In Russia he is known not only to osteopath, but also to therapists of manipulation, applied kinesiologist, etc. J.-P. always researches something new « À.T Still was a good guy, but Sutterland is genius », - says J.-P. Why? Because many work with bones, but to open the movements of bones of a skull is ingeniously. And more: « From all geniuses I like Mozart, Einstein, Freud, Sutherland. Freud because in his time to speak about sexuality was strong ». A key to a solution of creativity and the person of J.-P. is in this. What hasn’t been researched yet and is revolutionary and original in a science - a field of action of J.-P.

When J.-P. only studied osteopathy, osteopathy considered to work basically with a backbone and joints (structurally), and in addition with a skull (cranialy).

J.-P. could not understand their restrictions. In fact there is terra incognita of osteopathy in an organism - internal bodies and J.-P. invents the new approach - visceral. As well as all revolutionary it meets protests. When to Moscow there came Paul Reny – assistant of R.Wood (osteopath of the congress of the USA), to the question on work with internal bodies joked, (having expressed an opinion of American osteopathy), that to work with internal bodies osteopathically is possible, but only if in a yard there is acarriage of " First aid ". John Aplendzher expressed softer: « These methods are poorly explainable, but for some reasons they help ». However by that how much J.-P. goes in States to read lectures on visceral approaches, osteopaths of America take good note of his methods. And there is nothing to say about the Europe: visceralogy is studied in osteopathic colleges for a long time and is admitted.


But for J.-P. it’s already a passed phase. He is developing thermodiagnostic which is externally similar to work of psychics and consequently causes many protests both in the world, and from the some osteopaths in Russia. However while researches with infra-red methods of scanning prove the correctness of this approach, J.-P. has already been working on structures of a brain, finding emotional problems and working with them. He says: « Don’t believe, do not believe, later be convinced ». And here is one more east wisdom from J.-P.: « When the wise man shows on the moon, the fool looks at his finger ».

J.-P. finds places where the foot (hand) of the osteopath -researcher did not step, and without fear moves there. Probably it is his destiny. But in same his restrictions.


Kaleidoscope of impressions (the Eternal revolutionary)


« Every osteopath should work using internal technics (rectal and vaginal). I work using internal technics with 60 % of patients. If osteopath doesn’t work inside, he is a bad osteopath. » and these are words of J.-P.too.


Why? Find, fix, escape – the rule of Still which J.-P. quotes in his book Trauma …, and mentioned at a seminar. If I have found restriction of the coccyx, have released a skin through coccyx, have tested and have left from fabrics without intervention per rectum, why not?

Clearing a nerve as with use of PDM (it’s fine because nerves are controlled with PDM) and indirect technicsof "promotion" of finiteness simultaneously with traction of a nerve is very interesting. Such double approach provides greater freedom of a choice.

To the previous item an interesting similarity with idea of Shoffur concerns that more effective in work with fabrics is not a rough untwisting on long levers as it is accepted in general osteopathic technics but soft untwisting on short levers inside of somatic dysfunction.

In general there are a lot of crossings with Shoffur. We worked on nerves. The nerve from position of Shoffur concerns to system of arteries, because usually lays in fascial bed together with a artery and a vein. Besides the rule of primacy of arteries of Still (where blood proceeds freely, illness does not develop) concerns. But J.-P. corrects Shoffur: the nerve can pass slightly under a corner to an artery, therefore at clearing an artery is not released. Besides at primary defeat the nerve can give additional vasoconstriction. Therefore, in our opinion, to find the defeat is possible according to Shoffur by testing of arteries, and to make on local testing by J.-P. what is particularly injured in neurovascular fascicle - an artery, a vein, a nerve or a sinew. But for this as constantly repeated J.-P., it’s necessary to be fair with yourself: have found a nerve - the good fellow, haven’t found - admit it to yourself.


The work on superficial nerves passed very interesting. J.-P. as though asks Shoffur: « And to what functional unit superficial nerves concern if you have carried nerves to system of arteries? ». Shoffur responds: « Lines of a tension of a skin are the lines of superficial nerves ». There are no contradictions between masters here. In our opinion nerves cannot be carried completely to anyone functional osteopathic unit (on MOS system). FU are constructed by a principle of embryologic origins of mesoderm, and nerves are the derivatives of ectoderm, and anatomic-functional nerves are necessary in all FU. Therefore to search for osteopathic defeat is necessary on shoffur’s FU, and inside of unit to search and influence a nerve on J.-P.

And more as to work on superficial nerves: necessity and advantage of this work were obvious earlier. In 1993 Russian osteopath A.Enes worked successfully at humeral periarthritisess, making connective- fabric massage on a projection of humeral superficial nerves in the field of back edge of deltoid muscle. J.-P. has confirmed and has added the previous finds.


More about promotion of ideas of J.-P. on the Russian ground. At work on nerves of a humeral texture which J.-P. did in position of the patient laying, another Russian osteopath I.Litvinov has suggested to modify this technics spending it in position sitting for inclusion postural reflexes. It is necessary to note, that Russian osteopaths habitually use three-dimensional position of structures in an organism unlike the European colleagues who frequently "sin" with two-dimensional consciousness. In our opinion it is connected with that in the Europe osteopathy takes a place on periphery medicine, and the anatomy is studied under textbooks and atlases where anatomic structures are brought in a plane, instead of in volume. In Russia the diplomaed doctors mainly are engaged with osteopath, and the anatomy is studied in clinical and morbid anatomy material. At work on nerves sometimes "sinned" with work in one plane and J.-P. Russian osteopathy is something to add in world osteopath.


How to spend emotional auscultation? J.-P. offers: « After structural auscultation, not changing position of hands, strengthen pressure ».

This strengthening arises at use of pneumotechnical technics of work on the open heart. But in this case there is a superfluous loss of energy at the doctor. Similar strengthening on supervision Russian osteopath N.Tregubovoj can arise as at fulfillment of a palpator chord (similar to a palpator chord on a stomach cavity). This method is the most energy-saving for the doctor, because during this method his hands and the case work only.

And the last, I would like to note is an observance of a distance between the doctor and the patient. We didn’t noticed at once, that J.-P. worked by a principle body-body. Besides the principle of work not withhands, and a body of J.-P. observes and calls for its observance of others.


It is very important to remember about typical mistakes at carrying out of a session of any therapy and osteopathy is not exception. Below we shall publish to a chapter from the book " osteopathic treatment of internal bodies " of doctor- osteopath Jury Valentinovich Chikurov.


As in treatment the person of the therapist appears involved as well, problems can appear on this place. Below the most often mistakes are listed:

1. A manipulation or pressure from the patient (imposing of the diagnosis and the plan of treatment).

2. Emotional reactions and actions of the therapist which are beyond professional contact.

3. Uncontrollable actions of the therapist based of affects.

4. The desire of sensation such as " wonderful healing » (i.e. provoking hysterical game of the patient).

5. Absence of participation of the therapist at treatment.

6. Loss of the purpose of treatment.

7. Significant reduction or excess of in earlier defined duration of a medical session.

8. Using the patient for the decision of own problems. If treatment is paid, it’s necessary to stipulate the sizes of the medical fee at once.

9. Ignoring of own unpleasant sensations (emotional or physical character) at carrying out of treatment or dialogue with the patient.

10. Recurrence of the same mistakes.


J.-P. says how many mistakes can be avoided.

To work on J.-P. is necessary

1. On a distance of extended and hardly bent hand of the therapist

2. not "to hang" above a head and a body of the patient in position of the patient laying on a back, at position of the doctor at a head of the patient.

3. The therapist should occupy the convenient position with the straightened shoulders and free breath. If not, both at the patient, and the doctor can have mistakes resulted above.